
Designing Gene Therapy Trials for Access: What Payers & Health Systems Want to See

2020-02-18T15:38:59+00:00Thought Leadership|

Gene therapies offer the promise of a one-and-done treatment for debilitating chronic disease—but payers still have lots of questions—from patient selection to duration of response. In this Clinical Leader article, Jeremy Schafer, PharmD, MBA, Senior Vice President of specialty solutions at Precision for Value, describes how well-designed clinical trials can answer these questions.

To read the full article, click here

How Prescribers Affect Launch Success

2020-02-18T15:39:10+00:00Thought Leadership|

In a featured article for PM360, Precision’s Ross Maclean and Phil Cyr identify three themes and eight interrelated factors which, if overlooked, can negatively impact a launch. In short, prescribers remain Very Important People in a launch, facing challenges around Vulnerability, Incentives, and Personalization.


HCEI and PIE: Is it time for pharma to be proactive in the argument over cost-effectiveness?

2020-02-18T15:39:11+00:00Thought Leadership|


The FDA and the US Department of Health and Human Services published final guidance on the presentation of health care economic information (HCEI) and preapproval information exchange (PIE). This is a new opportunity for manufacturers to engage with payers around cost-effectiveness. Precision’s Jeremy Schafer views it from the manufacturer’s perspective in his article for KNect365. (more…)

The Prior Authorization Conundrum and What You Can Do About It

2020-02-18T15:39:26+00:00Thought Leadership|


Prior authorization (PA) is a time-consuming and costly burden on healthcare providers. With an increase in specialty medication spending, accounting for 70% of total drug spend, PAs are expected to become more stringent and restrictive. Marylou Buyse and Charline Shan share their insight and explore how the vertical integration mergers might impact PA for the better.


Open-Source Tools for Value Assessment

2020-02-18T15:39:27+00:00Thought Leadership|

Challenges persist in measuring value in healthcare, and individual healthcare decision makers need personalized information about value to make informed choices. Precision’s Mark Linthicum, Jennifer Bright, and Jason Shafrin explore an open-source modeling approach to value assessment in an article for Journal of Clinical Pathways.


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