
The Era of Pandemic Healthcare: The Social Determinants of a Health Crisis

2020-05-27T19:32:12+00:00Thought Leadership|

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has exposed and further exacerbated the fractures in our healthcare and social delivery systems.

There has never been a more urgent time for manufacturers to develop or evolve their strategic frameworks to address adverse social risk factors that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and contribute to health inequities glaringly evident during the pandemic. This article describes strategies pharmaceutical manufacturers must adopt to address social determinants of health and population health management challenges, supporting patients, families, and clinicians during this pandemic and beyond.

Read the full article here!

After COVID-19: A new script against antivaxers

2020-05-27T19:24:10+00:00Thought Leadership|

How can the COVID-19 pandemic improve vaccination rates?

Everyone is impacted by COVID-19, meaning that everyone can relate to messaging based on it. Precision’s Jeremy Schafer and Deborah Lotterman discuss how to use vaccine messaging based on our shared coronavirus experiences to improve vaccination rates and educate the public on their importance.

Read the full article here!

CAR-T therapy and historical trends in effectiveness and cost–effectiveness of oncology treatments

2020-07-17T20:46:31+00:00Thought Leadership|

By James Baumgarden, PhD

CAR-T therapy breaks a pattern of stagnant efficacy growth in pharmaceutical innovation. A new CAR-T therapy study, by Precision’s James Baumgarden and his study co-authors, demonstrates significantly greater incremental effectiveness and similar cost–effectiveness to previous anticancer treatments.


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