
Opportunities and Challenges of Value-Based Health Care: How Brazil Can Learn from U.S. Experience

2020-09-14T21:46:01+00:00Thought Leadership|

The Brazilian health system, a mix of private and public payers, predominantly relies on a fee for service model. In order to meet the health care needs of a growing population but also control spending, Brazil needs to evolve its payment models toward value-based health care. Precision’s Jeremy Schafer and 2iM Inteligencia Medica’s Cesar Abicalaffe analyze the lessons the Brazilian healthcare system can learn from the United States, where value-based care is slowly but surely becoming the norm.


From Supplier to Public Health Player: The Changing Role of Biopharma Companies

2020-08-19T22:24:55+00:00Thought Leadership|

Access challenges to cell and gene therapy are well documented. Precision’s Christina Poschen and David Carr discuss how some innovative manufacturers are moving away from the role of being purely a researcher and manufacturer and toward involvement at the point of diagnosis through manufacturing and delivery to patient access support in order to address those challenges head on.


Creating Incentives To Narrow The Gap In Health Outcomes: Expanding Value Assessment To Incorporate Health Inequality

2020-08-06T16:48:02+00:00Thought Leadership|

Although there is a universal acknowledgement that health inequalities need to be addressed, the question is “How?” Precision’s Jason Shafrin and Meena Venkatachalam explain that simply incentivizing research and development efforts to create new drugs in therapeutic areas that disproportionately impact minorities won’t resolve the problem. Rather, we need to change traditional value assessment frameworks to move towards equity in health outcomes.


COVID-19 Pandemic Vindicates the ISPOR Value Flower

2020-07-17T20:27:36+00:00Thought Leadership|

By Kathy Lang, PhD; Jason Shafrin, PhD

What is the right price for a new treatment for COVID-19: ISPOR’s “value flower” or the traditional QALYs approach? Precision’s Jason Shafrin, Kathy Lang and Ross Maclean discuss why the “value flower” model can more accurately value treatments – in cases like COVID-19 – which have a transformational impact on the lives of not only of patients, but also caregivers, employers, and broader society.


IDNs and Employers Are Seeking Savings By Cutting Out Health Insurer ‘Middlemen’

2020-07-17T20:11:01+00:00Thought Leadership|

As more Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs) and employers move towards contracting directly with each other for health care services, the ripple effects are being felt in the supply chain and in old relationships with other players, including PBMs and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Precision’s Avi Mamidi discusses the benefits and obstacles of cutting out health insurance middlemen and moving towards direct employer-IDN partnerships.


Could the COVID-19 Pandemic Create New Opportunities for the Adoption of APMs and Be a Catalyst for the Movement From Volume to Value?

2020-07-17T20:21:40+00:00Thought Leadership|

Over the past decade, healthcare has slowly been moving from a focus on volume to value based healthcare. With the COVID-19 pandemic, compelling aspects of alternative payment models (APM) are causing providers, payers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers to take notice. Precision’s Elizabeth Oyekan identifies four emerging trends in APM practices that are enabling APMs to be better prepared to deliver high-quality and more affordable care during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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